To build a sustainable community movement that is rooted in and reinforced with love.  


The Vision of TREE House Enterprise is to lead a movement rooted in and reinforced by love. We approach our work with care. We hold a unique appreciation for cross-cultural, intersectional, and intergenerational community efforts.


PEACE:  We believe that our ability or willingness to change is largely determined by how well we can restore ourselves back to a state of peace. It is also the source of growth and transformation in creating, building, and restoring our vision, purpose, legacy, and dreams.

LOVE:  We understand that all connections must be rooted in love. Love unites us with an unconditional desire to serve and be in contribution to ourselves and in life as a whole. With love, we become fearless and thorough in creating sustainable environments, and safe spaces for authentic connections.

JUSTICE:  We understand that it's our responsibility and commitment to restoring balance and humanity to those that seem powerless or marginalized in our community.  We understand that in order to restore balance to our external world, we must begin the process of restoration and making amends within our own selves.

JOY: We honor the importance of celebration and acknowledge the power of joy. We do not wait for an ever-moving destination to enjoy the fruits of our labor. Joy is a way of being that is the conduit for more healing and transformation.

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We provide people-first programs and services that are safe and welcoming. We utilize clinical approaches and behavior change theories to support transformation in the lives of our members. 

Our program approaches are healing-centered, trauma-Informed, and they center our members. We utilize clinical and behavioral health practices to support member growth and personal development.

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The TREE House has an active membership community called The Grove™. In the Grove™ facilitators, leaders, and supporters transform spaces for families, and communities using culturally infused, group, individual, and community-level, development, and recovery models to inspire them to action. Our overall purpose is to support people as they experience self-actualization to live happier, healthier lives.

Membership in the Grove is open to all TREE House Members, Founders, Board of Directors, Staff, community partners, and individuals. Membership applications to the Grove are accepted on a rolling basis.


“Our members understand that we all have a Universal responsibility to create clear pathways for individual growth. We hope that our movement inspires the next generation of powerful leaders that are being born today”!

— Angel Brown., Co-Founder, Executive Director


Contact us at the TREE House

Feel free to contact us with any questions.
